عن قسم Plant Production

Vision of the Program Program Message:
The plant production program at the Faculty of Technology and Development - Zagazig University provides university education and learning opportunities for the students of plant production using modern applied agriculture technology for all different higher education fields in the fields of crops, orchards, plant protection and plant diseases through intensive field studies and postgraduate studies. the work
Strategic Objectives Strategic Objectives:
Preparing a distinguished graduate with modern scientific and applied knowledge to suit the needs of the labor market
Developing curricula or programs to keep pace with the labor market
Providing training and consulting services and exchanging experiences with partners in various agricultural fields, in support of the local market.
Encouraging applied research with the participation of different organizations to achieve mutual benefit between the two parties.
Developing human and material resources and employing them in education and scientific research.
Development of plant production plant infrastructure.
The Plant Production Department seeks to adopt its program
Graduation of the graduate scientific skills through summer training and field in the fields of plant production
Training of faculty members on the criteria of program accreditation

الميثاق الأخلاقي للطالب الجامعي